Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis
Infection is A Common Cause of Pink Eye
Pink eye, the common name for conjunctivitis, is an inflammation and/or infection of the conjunctiva – the normally clear outer covering membrane covering of the white part of the eye.
The eye appears pink because the blood vessels are dilated.
Pink eye is often accompanied by a discharge. Vision is usually normal and discomfort is mild.
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Conjunctivitis has Many Sources, Forms
Either a viral or a bacterial infection may cause conjunctivitis.
Viruses, which are more common and may last several weeks, can occur concurrently with an upper respiratory infection (or cold). Viral conjunctivitis is usually self-limiting, but treatment with artificial tear drops, cool compresses, and sometimes anti-inflammatory eye drops may be needed if symptoms are severe. Many conjunctivitis presentation are mixed with both viral and bacterial co-infections
Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with a variety of antibiotic eye drops or ointments, which usually cure the infection within one week.
Infectious conjunctivitis can be very contagious. People who have it should not share towels or pillowcases and should wash their hands frequently. They may need to stay home from school or work and should stay out of swimming pools.
Allergies can cause conjunctivitis
Not everyone with conjunctivitis has an infection. Allergies can cause conjunctivitis, too.
Typically, people with allergic conjunctivitis have itchy, watery, and red eyes, especially in spring and fall.
Eye drops to control itching are used to treat allergic conjunctivitis. It is important not to use medications that contain corticosteroids (they usually end in “-one” or “-dex”) unless prescribed by an eye doctor.
Pink eye may indicate other conditions
Finally, not everyone with pink eye has conjunctivitis. Sometimes more serious diseases, such as infections, damage to the cornea, very severe glaucoma or inflammation on the inside of the eye, cause the conjunctiva to become inflamed and pink.
Vision is typically normal if the pink eye is conjunctivitis. If vision is affected, or if the problem does not get better in a few days, consult an eye doctor.